City Council of Rome, Italy

Fourth International Workshop on

Human-Computer Interaction, Tourism and Cultural Heritage

(HCITOCH 2013):

Strategies for a Creative Future with Computer Science,

Quality Design and Communicability

:: Rome, Italy ::

September 26 – 27, 2013


AInCI: International Association of Interactive Communication

ALAIPO: Latin Association of HCI

::. ARTESIS .::
Artesis University College Antwerp

::. BBK .::
Birkbeck University of London

::. CTI .::
Center for Information Technology

::. FUN .::
Future University Hakodate

::. GATECH .::
Georgia Institute of Technology

Indian Institute of Management Rohtak

::. ITB .::
Institute of Technology Bandung

::. IUAV .::
Università IUAV di Venezia

Kettering University

::. KNU ,::
Kainan University

::. KULEUVEN .::
K. University of Leuven

London Metropolitan University

::. MDX .::
Middlesex University

::. METU .::
Middle East Technical University

::. MJU .::
Myongji University
South Korea

::. MSU .::
Moscow State University

::. NAPIER .::
Edinburgh Napier University

::. NNU .::
National United University

University of Nottingham

::. POLSL .::
Politechnika Slaska University

::. PURDUE .::
Purdue University

::. TSINGHUA .::
Tsinghua University

::. U-AIZU .::
University of Aizu

::. UB .::
University of Botswana

::. UB .::
"Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău

::. UBA .::
Universidad de Buenos Aires

::. UCC .::
University College Cork

::. UCM .::
Universidad Complutense

::. UCR .::
Universidad de Costa Rica
Costa Rica

::. UGR .::
Universidad de Granada

::. UHK .::
University of Hong Kong

::. UIOWA .::
University of Iowa

::. UM .::
University of Malta

::. UMD .::
University of Michigan-Dearborn

::. UNC .::
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

::. UNIGE .::
Università degli Studi di Genova

::. UNILJ .::
University of Ljubljana

::. UNIMB .::
University of Maribor

::. UNIVE .::
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

::. UNIZG .::
University of Zagreb

::. UNSE .::
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero

::. UofO .::
University of Ottawa

::. UOI .::
University of Ioannina

::. UPR .::
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

::. US .::
Universidad de Sevilla

::. USC .::
University of Southern California

::. UTN .::
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

::. UWI .::
University of the West Indies

::. VMMI .::
Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute
the Netherlands

::. VUA .::
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
the Netherlands

::. WSU .::
Wayne State University







Introduction and Topics, Deadlines and Program Committee

1. Introduction and Topics

The new technologies offer us a series of instruments to develop the potential of human beings with the goal of increasing the quality of life of millions of users of interactive systems in our global village. The relation of the triad computer science, quality design and communicability has proven very productive in the new millennium.

In the current era of qualitative communication, the present virtual space is intended to be a meeting point of all those who freely wish to boost and perfect the set of strategies and techniques to improve the human-computer interaction, tourism and cultural heritage. The main goal is to facilitate communicability and make the fruition of the new technologies more pleasant.

Our effort focuses on finding the common denominator between the human-computer interaction, cultural heritage and the global village. That is, we address all those who are currently working to increase the quality of life of the human beings through the new technologies and all their derivations, wanting to know the last advances in the factual and formal sciences and that this international workshop can serve as a meeting point to boost the current and future lines of research of the investigators belonging to the university, governmental bodies and the enterprises and industries of the private sector. All contributions should be of high originality, quality, clarity, significance and impact. Papers, demos and doctoral consortium related to Human-Computer Interaction, Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Quality Design, Communicability, Ubiquitous Computing, Digitization for Conservation, Archaeological Archives with New Technologies and other Computational Areas are solicited on, but not limited to:

:: Computer Aided Education (CAE)
:: Computer Arts
:: Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
:: Cross-Cultural and Internationalization of Design
:: Cultural Heritage and Social Networking
:: Database Application Development
:: Development of Research and Education in Heritage Conservation
:: Digital Divide
:: Digital Literacy Trainings
:: Digitization for Preservation
:: Distributed Computing and Networking
:: E-book
:: Eco-design
:: E-commerce
:: E-culture
:: E-government
:: Electronic Presentation, Publishing, and Digital Libraries
:: Embedded Computing
:: Emerging Technologies
:: Emotional Design
:: Ergonomics
:: Future Challenges of Visualization Methods
:: Geometric Modeling
:: Human Factors and Computer Science
:: Human-Computer Interaction
:: Human-Robot Interaction
:: Image Processing: Color Correction, Image Warping, Morphing and Painting
:: Immersive Multimedia, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality
:: Indexing and Search Technique for Hypermedia Databases
:: Information Technology and Communication for Regional Development
:: Integration of Artificial Intelligence with other Technologies for the Tourism
:: Intelligent and Adaptable Systems
:: Interactive Systems for Cultural and Ecological Heritage
:: Journalism On-line: Discursive Analysis
:: Knowledge-Based Simulation
:: Marketing, Tourism and Geospatial Information Systems
:: Methodologies for Heuristic Evaluation of the Quality
:: Microinformatics for Conservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage
:: Mobile Network Security
:: Multimedia for Assessing Tourist Demand in World Heritage Sites
:: Online Museum
:: Open Source Software
:: Photography and Illustration Digital
:: Preservation and Image Restoration of Digital Culture
:: Quality Attributes and Metrics for Interactive Systems
:: Quality Oriented Software Architecture and Database
:: Reusability of the Current Digital Archiving Solutions
:: Role of Local Community and ICTs in Cultural Heritage Management
:: Semiotics for Interactive Design
:: Software Engineering
:: Software Testing, Evaluation and Analysis Technologies
:: Speech and Natural Language Interfaces
:: Storytelling and Augmented Realities
:: Tangible User Interfaces
:: Technological and Economical Valuation of Natural and Cultural Heritage Resources
:: Telecommunications and Marketing Models in the Museum as Distributed Network
:: Teleworking
:: Tourism Enterprise Information Systems and Intelligent Agents
:: Tourism Technology Management
:: Ubiquitous Computing
:: Usability Engineering
:: Video games
:: Virtual Architecture and Hypergraphics
:: Virtual Campus and Distance Education
:: Virtual Simulation and Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments
:: Virtual Travel Agencies
:: Visitor and ICTs Impact Management for World Heritage Sites
:: Visual Effects and Cinema Digital
:: Visualization Tools and Systems for Simulation and Modeling
:: Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
:: Web TV, 3D TV and Stereo Visualization
:: Wireless and Mobile Computer Science

Best regards, 

Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra (Chair - coordinator)
Pamela Fulton and Doris Edison (International Secretariat)

ALAIPO: Asociación Latina Interacción Persona-Ordenador –Latin Association of HCI ( and AINCI: Asociación Internacional de la Comunicación Interactiva –International Association of Interactive Communication ( Address: Via Pascoli, S. 15 (7) - 24121 (Bergamo) Italy :: c/ Angel Baixeras, 5 - AP 1638 - 08080 (Barcelona), Spain. Email: ::

P.S. If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to or with "remove" in the subject line. Thanks.     


2. The event have the following deadlines

Papers Submissions: Closed
Authors Notification: Closed
Camera-ready, full papers:  Closed


3. Program Committee:

:: Francisco V. Cipolla Ficarra (chair :: coordinator)

Demo Session, Poster Session, Workshop Session, and Doctoral Consortium:

:: Miguel C. Ficarra: AInCI and ALAIPO, Andreas Kratky: University of Southern California (USA), Anna Parodi: Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy), Bojan Novak. University of Maribor (Slovenia), and Domen Verber: University of Maribor (Slovenia).

Honorary Committee:

:: Gavriel Salvendy. Purdue University (USA) and Tsinghua University (China)
:: Kaoru Sumi. Future University Hakodate (Japan)
:: Kim H. Veltman. Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute (The Netherlands)
:: William Grosky. University of Michigan-Dearborn (USA)

Scientific Committee:

:: Alan Chamberlain. University of Nottingham (UK)
:: Andrea Torsello. Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
:: Andreas Kratky. University of Southern California (USA)
:: Anna Parodi: Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
:: Arturo Colorado. Universidad Complutense (Spain)
:: Bojan Novak. University of Maribor (Slovenia)
:: Carl Smith. London Metropolitan University (UK)
:: Chih-Fang Huang. Kainan University (Taiwan)
:: Claudia Rébola. Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
:: Domen Verber. University of Maribor (Slovenia)
:: Elena Durán. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (Argentina)
:: Farshad Fotauhi. Wayne State University (USA)
:: Florian Kammüller. Middlesex University London (UK)
:: Gavriel Salvendy. Tsinghua University (China)
:: Georges Győry. Birkbeck University of London (UK)
:: Georgios Styliaras. University of Ioannina (Greece)
:: Gerrit van der Veer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)
:: Graciela Vidal. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina)
:: Hugo Scolnik. Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
:: Inmaculada Gordillo. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
:: Inmaculada Vilches López. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
:: Jean Vanderdonckt. University of Leuven (Belgium)
:: Juan Silva Salmerón. University of Ottawa (Canada)
:: Jurek Kirakowski. University College Cork (Ireland)
:: Kaoru Sumi. Future University Hakodate (Japan)
:: Kim Veltman. Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute (The Netherlands)
:: Klementina Možina. University of Zagreb (Croatia)
:: Lastenia Bonilla. Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
:: Lee Chih-Wei. Yuan Ze University (Taiwan)
:: Liliana Māţă. "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău (Romania)
:: Ljubica Marjanoviè Umek. University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
:: Maarten Weyn. Artesis University College Antwerp (Belgium)
:: Manuel Garrido Lora. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
:: Manuel Imaz. Napier University (United Kingdom)
:: Marek Wyleżoł. Politechnika Slaska (Poland)
:: María López de Luise. IEEE, President of the section Argentina (Argentina)
:: Maria del Mar Ramirez Alvarado. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
:: Maria Malvina Borgherini. Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy)
:: María Teresa Dalmasso. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
:: Marilú Lebrón Vázquez. Universidad de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
:: Miguel Cipolla Ficarra. Alaipo & Ainci (Italy & Spain)
:: Mohamed Hamada. University of Aizu (Japan)
:: Onur Demirors. Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
:: Pablo Marrero Negrón. Universidad de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
:: Peter Stanchev. Kettering University (USA)
:: Philip Bonanno. University of Malta (Malta)
:: Pivovarova Liudmila. Moscow State University (Russia)
:: Ruly Darmawan. Institute of Technology Bandung (Indonesia)
:: Sandra Casas. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina)
:: Stafford Griffith. University of the West Indies (Jamaica)
:: Steve Anderson. University of Southern California (USA)
:: Tetsuo Tamai. University of Tokio (Japan)
:: Timothy Read. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain)
:: Urška Fekonja Peklaj. University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
:: Vigneswara Ilavarasan. Indian Institute of Management Rohtak (India)
:: Vili Podgorelec. University of Maribor (Slovenia)
:: Virginia Guarinos Galán. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
:: Virginia Yannibelli. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Bs. As. (Argentina)
:: Wen-Yuan Jen. National United University (Taiwan)
:: William Grosky. University of Michigan-Dearborn (USA)
:: Yeonseung Ryu. Myongji University (South Korea)
:: Yirsaw Ayalew. University of Botswana (Botswana)


International Workshop on HCITOCH 2013 :: Rome, Italy :: 26 - 27 September 2013

International Workshop on HCITOCH 2013 :: Rome, Italy :: 26 - 27 September 2013

International Workshop on HCITOCH 2013 :: Rome, Italy :: 26 - 27 September 2013


IGI Global :: USANova Science Publishers :: USA

Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy

MicrosoftHewlett PackardElectronic ArtsOcé


Arahne :: SloveniaCADdyGedisa EditorialPTC



Serena Digital


Disney Research :: USA

Computer Graphics World :: USA Computer Graphics World :: USA Museo Pepone e Don Camillo - Brescello (R.E.) ItalyFestival del Cinema :: Brescello (R.E.) Italy

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion :: Spain

Turismo :: Italy

Embassy of Argentina in Italy

Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy

Colchiquin Project - Fco. V. C. Ficarra - coordinator :: Monica Reyna - research

Cerro Colorado - Internationa Project :: Francisco V. C. Ficarra - coordinator

HCI Lab :: 1997 - 2013



© 1997 - 2013 AINCI & HCI Lab.